AGRICOH Webinar: Pesticides research in Latin America

Joachim Schuz (IARC), Joanne Kim (Environment and Lifestyle Branch, IARC)

Latin America is a region of intensive agricultural production with the highest per capita pesticide use. At the same time, pesticide regulations are limited or non-existent, resulting in widespread exposure to agricultural and non-agricultural populations, including to chemicals banned in other countries. This webinar will present current work on exposure to pesticides and/or their health effects in three Latin American countries: Argentina (Dr. Mariana Butinof), Brazil (Dr. Henrique Silveira), and Chile (Dr. Sandra Cortes).

Each panel member will present for 20 min + 4 min Q&A, with a 15 min panel Q & A session at the end.

Please register to receive a link to the webinar.

Speaker Biographies

Sandra Cortés, VD, MSc, PhD in Public Health, is a Professor of environmental and occupational health sciences in the School of Public Health at Universidad Catolica de Chile. She is Principal Investigator of the Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases and member of the Steering Committee of their Maule Cohort Study, known as MAUCO – ACCDIS, located in Chile. Together with other female researchers, she created the Pesticides and Health Research Network RIPLAG – Red de investigación sobre los plaguicidas. She is the President of the Chile Scientific Committee on Climate Change (2024-2026).

Mariana Butinof, MD, PhD is a Professor in the School of Nutrition of the University of Córdoba and an investigator in the Environmental Epidemiology Group for Chronic Diseases in Córdoba (GEACC) [more details forthcoming].

Henrique Silveira, PhD is a head of environmental factors and occupational cancer group at Barretos Cancer Hospital, Barretos, Brazil. He is professor of post-graduate program in oncology. He is principal investigator of the RUCAN study, the first Brazilian cohort of rural workers that are part also of AGRICOH consortium. He coordinates several projects of occupational exposure in Brazil. The focus in research is exposed populations to carcinogens, cancer prevention and molecular biomarkers in cancer prevention.

Webinar attendees
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