9–11 Feb 2022
Europe/Paris timezone

Participant List

32 participants

The lists of participants grouped by the registration form they used to register for the event.

1. SC members / WHO

Title First Name Last Name Affiliation Email Address Country
Dr Anne Tjønneland Danish Cancer Society Research Center annet@cancer.dk Denmark
Dr Einas Abdulaziz Eid Al Kuwari Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology ealkuwari@hamad.qa Qatar
Dr Ferrán Catalá-López Institute of Health Carlos III fcatala@isciii.es Spain
Prof. Gunilla Enblad Uppsala University gunilla.enblad@igp.uu.se Sweden
Dr Hendriek Boshuizen National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) hendriek.boshuizen@rivm.nl Netherlands
Prof. Hendriek Boshuizen National Institute of Public Health and the Environment /Wageningen University and Research hendriek.boshuizen@wur.nl Netherlands
Dr James Cerhan Mayo Clinic cerhan.james@mayo.edu United States
Dr Janne Pitkäniemi Institute for Statistical and Epidemiological Cancer Research janne.pitkaniemi@cancer.fi Finland
Dr Jie He National Cancer Center of China waishi123@126.com China
Prof. Jong Bae Park National Cancer Center-Graduate School of Cancer Science of Policy jbp@ncc.re.kr South Korea
Prof. Kalipso Chalkidou GFATM kalipso.chalkidou@gmail.com United Kingdom
Dr Karima Bendahhou Cancer Registry of Casablanca bendahhou.karima@yahoo.com Morocco
Dr Kazem Zendehdel Cancer Institute of Iran kzendeh@gmail.com Iran
Dr Louisa Gordon QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute louisa.gordon@qimrberghofer.edu.au Australia
Dr Luis Felipe Ribeiro Pinto Molecular Carcinogenesis Program lfrpinto@inca.gov.br Brazil
Dr Manami Inoue National Cancer Center mnminoue@ncc.go.jp Japan
Dr Marc Arbyn Unit Cancer Epidemiology – Belgian Cancer Centre marc.arbyn@sciensano.be Belgium
Prof. Marie-Elise Parent Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie marie-elise.parent@inrs.ca Canada
Dr Mathilde Touvier INSERM m.touvier@eren.smbh.univ-paris13.fr France
Dr Mikkelsen Bente WHO mikkelsenb@who.int
Prof. Péter Nagy National Insitute of Oncology peter.nagy@oncol.hu Hungary
Dr Pietro Pichierri lstituto Superiore di Sanita pietro.pichierri@iss.it Italy
Prof. Ravi Mehrotra ICMR-National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research ravi.mehrotra@gov.in India
Dr Sabine Rohrmann University of Zurich sabine.rohrmann@uzh.ch Switzerland
Prof. Sergey Ivanov National Medical Research Radiological Centre oncourolog@gmail.com Russia
Prof. Tone Bjørge University of Bergen & Cancer Registry of Norway tone.bjorge@uib.no Norway
Prof. Ulrike Haug Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology haug@leibniz-bips.de Germany
Prof. Walter Berger Institute of Cancer Research and Comprehensive Cancer Center walter.berger@meduniwien.ac.at Austria
Prof. William Gallagher University College Dublin william.gallagher@ucd.ie Ireland

2. Observers

Title First Name Last Name Affiliation Email Address
Dr Sonali Johnson UICC johnson@uicc.org

3. GC Chair and Vice-Chair

Title First Name Last Name Affiliation Email Address Country
Prof. Pål Richard Romundstad Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) pal.romundstad@ntnu.no Norway
Dr Stephen M. Robbins Institute of Cancer Research srobbins@ucalgary.ca Canada