18–19 May 2023
IARC Nouveau Centre
Europe/Paris timezone

Travel information

IARC will provide you with tickets (air economy class ticket or first-class train ticket on the most direct and least expensive route available), for a return trip between your place of residence and Lyon, through our travel agent). In order to reduce the carbon footprint, for European participants, IARC’s travel policy encourages travel by train instead of travel by air by the most direct route.


A business class ticket may be requested in the case of medical necessity. Such request requires an exceptional and prior approval and must be supported by the appropriate medical certification, indicating what specific medical outcome will be prevented by travel in the higher fare class. The supporting medical certification should also include the reasons why the conditions of travel in the normally authorized economy class cannot be medically tolerated, as compared to the conditions of a normal working day.


Please fill in your registration form by 15 February 2023 at the latest and we will contact you with a travel proposal.



Please refer to the IARC travel policy to check the other travel options and corresponding reimbursement calculation.