18–19 May 2023
IARC Nouveau Centre
Europe/Paris timezone

Welcome to the first ever IARC International Meeting on Tumour Classification!

The WHO Blue Books team is very pleased to organize the first IARC International Meeting on Tumour Classification as an in-person conference on Thursday 18 and 19 May 2023.

This workshop will be held at the newly opened IARC Nouveau Centre in Lyon, France, and will bring together a wide group of experts including those involved in the 5th edition of the WHO Classification of Tumours, the IAC-IARC-WHO Cytopathology reporting systems series, the Blue Books Radiology Advisory Board, cancer diagnosis, and cancer epidemiology.

The aim is to discuss the role of tumour classification in cancer diagnosis and research and to set the scene for the 6th edition of the WHO Classification of Tumours.

We warmly invite you to join us for lively discussions regarding all aspects of tumour classification including the increasingly multidisciplinary nature of cancer diagnosis, as well as the future requirements for its treatment.

The conference will focus on the following topics:

  • Evidence and consensus in cancer classification
  • Systematic classification
  • Multi-dimensional classification
  • The future of tumour classification


Registration deadline is 15 April 2023.






Please do check this website regularly as this is where 
all new information related to the meeting will be shared 😉

Application for this event is currently open.