AGRICOH Webinar: How can exposure assessment for pesticides in epidemiological studies be improved? Insights from the IMPRESS project



Hans Kromhout (Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University), Joachim Schuz (IARC), Joanne Kim (Environment and Lifestyle Branch, IARC)

The IMPRoving Exposure aSSessment Methodologies for Epidemiological studies on Pesticides (IMPRESS) project aimed to further our understanding of the performance of pesticide exposure assessment methods. Based on the findings of the IMPRESS project, insight are provided on the question "How can exposure assessment for pesticides in epidemiological studies be improved?"


For more details, visit the project website or read the open-access study protocol


Professor Hans Kromhout occupies a chair in Exposure Assessment and Occupational Hygiene within the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences at Utrecht University (the Netherlands). He is an international authority on occupational and environmental exposure assessment and epidemiology, covering a wide range of health effects from various chemical and physical agents. The son of a flower grower, he has a long-standing interest in health effects of occupational exposure to pesticides, and he is chairing the Exposure Assessment Subgroup within AGRICOH. He is the Principal Investigator of a KWF Dutch Cancer Society project on pesticide exposure and female breast cancer within AGRICOH.

The presentation (45 min) will be followed by a Q & A session (15 min).

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    • 16:00 17:00
      Webinar 1h
      Speaker: Prof. Hans Kromhout (IRAS, Utrecht University)