How to remotely connect to the meeting (Remote participants only)

Instructions to remote participants

We will provide live access via Zoom to our sessions online for all participants who cannot travel and join us in Lyon.

Please refer to the timetable for the timing of each session (times are expressed in Central European Time) and corresponding attendance.

Zoom details to join the meeting will be as follows:
Meeting ID: 933 6371 7899
Passcode: 262348

As participants are located all around the world, it was difficult to accommodate all time zones in a reasonable fashion. We apologize for the inconvenience that this will cause some of you, and greatly appreciate your waking up early/staying up late to participate.

It will be highly appreciated if you could connect to the sessions 10 minutes in advance so that we start on time.

When joining, please rename yourself ‘Name Surname’ so that you are directed to the correct session.

Should you have any connection or “how to” questions, you should contact

Instructions to on-site participants

The meeting is a hybrid meeting, with remote participants able to access all live sessions via Zoom.

You don't need to connect remotely to the meeting as Dilani will lead the virtual meeting from her computer and a central microphone will allow remote participants to hear and participate in all the on-site discussions.

Many thanks!