IARC’s general policy is directed by a Governing Council, composed of the Representatives of Participating States and of the WHO Director-General. Its research programme is regularly reviewed by a Scientific Council. The Governing Council elects IARC’s Director, who normally serves for a five-year term.
In May 2018, the Governing Council elected Dr Elisabete Weiderpass (Brazil) as Director of the Agency, for a five-year term. She took office on 1 January 2019.
The IARC Governing Council meets every year in ordinary session the week before the WHO World Health Assembly.
Plenary session
Opening of the Session, including guidelines on webconference etiquette
Item 3. Adoption of the Agenda//Point 3.Adoption de l’Ordre du jour
If you wish to suggest changes to be taken under Item 3. Adoption of the Agenda please leave them in the “Leave a comment” text box.
If you wish to suggest additional points to be discussed under Item 22. Any other Business please leave them in the “Leave a comment” text box as well, indicating so.
The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Item 4. Admission of a new Participating State –People’s Republic of China// Point 4. Admission d’un nouvel Etat participant – La République populaire de Chine
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The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Item 7. Report of the Fifty-seventh session of the Scientific Council//Point 7. Rapport sur la Cinquante-septième Session du Conseil scientifique
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The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Item 6. Director’s report, including major scientific highlights (including Report on SOP WHO/IARC and Report on FENSA implementation)// Point 6. Rapport de la Directrice, avec les faits scientifiques marquants (comprenant le rapport sur les procédures opérationnelles OMS/CIRC et le rapport sur la mise en place du Cadre de collaboration avec les acteurs non étatiques)
Please leave your question(s) and/or comment(s) linked to this GC/63 item in the “Leave a comment” text box.
The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Item 8. Director’s response to recommendations from the 57th Session of the Scientific Council//Point 8. Réponse de la Directrice aux recommandations de la 57ème Session du Conseil scientifique
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The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Plenary session
Item 9. IARC Medium-Term Strategy (MTS) for 2021–2025//Point 9. Stratégie à moyen terme 2021–2025 du CIRC
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The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Item 10. Annual Financial Report, Report of the External Auditor and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2020//Point 10. Rapport financier annuel, Rapport du Commissaire aux comptes et états financiers pour l’exercice clos le 31 décembre 2020
Please leave your question(s) and/or comment(s) linked to this GC/63 item in the “Leave a comment” text box.
The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Item 11. Proposed Programme and Budget (2022–2023)//Point 11. Projet de programme et de budget (2022–2023)
Please leave your question(s) and/or comment(s) linked to this GC/63 item in the “Leave a comment” text box.
The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Plenary session
Item 20. Proposed amendments to Article XIII of the IARC Statute//Point 20. Proposition d’amendement à l’Article XIII du Statut du CIRC
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The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Item 15. Requests for support from the Governing Council Special Fund//Point 15. Demandes de financement grâce au Fonds spécial du Conseil de Direction
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The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Item 16. Proposed priorities for resources actively mobilized as Undesignated Voluntary Contributions//Point 16. Proposition de priorités pour la mobilisation active des ressources comme contributions volontaires sans objet spécifié
Please leave your question(s) and/or comment(s) linked to this GC/63 item in the “Leave a comment” text box.
The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Item 17. Update on the “Nouveau Centre” and the “Nouveau Centre” fund-raising campaign//Point 17. Point sur le « Nouveau Centre » et la campagne de levée de fonds associée
Please leave your question(s) and/or comment(s) linked to this GC/63 item in the “Leave a comment” text box.
The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Closed session
Item 18. Appointment of new members of the Scientific Council (closed session) //Point 18. Nomination des nouveaux membres du Conseil scientifique
(session à huis clos)
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The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Plenary session
Item 19. Biennial Report of the IARC Ethics Committee (IEC), 2019–2020//Point 19. Rapport biennal du Comité d’éthique du CIRC, 2019–2020
Please leave your question(s) and/or comment(s) linked to this GC/63 item in the “Leave a comment” text box.
The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Item 12. Statement by the IARC Staff Association//Point 12. Déclaration de l'Association du Personnel du CIRC
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The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Item 13. Acceptance of grants and contracts, including report on interest apportionment//Point 13. Acceptation des subventions et contrats et rapport sur la répartition des intérêts
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The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Item 14. Acceptance of donations//Point 14. Acceptation des dons
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The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.
Item 22. Any other business//Point 22. Questions diverses
Please leave your question(s) and/or comment(s) linked to this GC/63 item in the “Leave a comment” text box.
The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.
Thank you.