21 / 21
- Kenza Abdelmalki
- Armando Baena (IARC)
- Citadel Cabasag (IARC)
Chrysovalantou Chatziioannou
(Postdoctoral Scientist)
- Speaker at Exploring the “dark side” of the exposome
- Veronica Davila Batista (IARC)
- Mariana Gomes Da Silva Araujo (IARC)
Florence Guida
- Speaker at Biomarkers for lung cancer screening
- Mathilde His (IARC)
- Joanne Kim (Environment and Lifestyle Branch, IARC)
- Gwinyai Masukume (Environment and Lifestyle Epidemiology Branch, International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization, Lyon, France)
- Emilie Mathian
- Michele Matta (IARC)
- Eileen Morgan (IARC)
- Arianis Tatiana Ramírez Pineds (IARC)
- Harriet Rumgay (IARC)
- Alexandra Sexton Oates (IARC)
- Deependra Singh (IARC)
- Roland Wedekind (IARC)
- Feixue Wei
- Hana Zahed (IARC)
- L Zupunski (International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France)