17–18 May 2021
Europe/Paris timezone

Item 16. Proposed priorities for resources actively mobilized as Undesignated Voluntary Contributions

18 May 2021, 12:25
Remotely by teleconference (IARC)

Remotely by teleconference


Governing Council Plenary session PL


Tamas Landesz (IARC)


Item 16. Proposed priorities for resources actively mobilized as Undesignated Voluntary Contributions//Point 16. Proposition de priorités pour la mobilisation active des ressources comme contributions volontaires sans objet spécifié

Please leave your question(s) and/or comment(s) linked to this GC/63 item in the “Leave a comment” text box.

The deadline for submission is Monday 10 May 2021 (end of working day, Lyon time) so that questions/comments can be compiled ahead of the Web conference.

Thank you.

Primary author

Tamas Landesz (IARC)

Presentation materials